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Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas is coming and WHO is getting fat!!
Why is it at Christmas time we feel the need for gluttony more than any other time in the year. There is Easter or Thanks Giving, but we seem to indulge more over the Yule Tide festival…Why?

Lets face it most people have two days over this period when they turn into a couch potato, which when you look at the busy lives we all lead these days, that in itself is no problem, but if we’re honest with ourselves, all you do is eat rubbish and end up feeling lethargic.

So how can we enjoy what we eat or drink, but not end up like a stuffed turkey or hog ourselves.

I have adopted an attitude where if I want to eat something that I know in my heart of hearts is bad; then I have to earn that right. That means on a Sunday when I indulge in a bacon sandwich, I either have to go to the gym first or out for a run.

The crazy thing is I spent the last 15 years on a diet or so I thought, eating cheats when I felt I deserved them and saying I was to exhausted from the day at work or running my kid to her clubs to make the time for myself to exercise and got bigger & bigger.

Then I had idea…I was fed up looking like a slob and I needed to do something about my ever increasing waistline. The first thing I did was look at my diet and wrote down everything I ate over 14 days, yes including weekends, you know when we treat ourselves. I read articles on Mens Health & Fitness, I wanted weight loss, but so many articles are on ladies health and I believe there is a big difference, so I looked at weight loss for men. I knew I needed to loose weight, but I was starving myself and causing my body to shut down and store fat as my body didn’t know when it was going to get food next.

Most mens health issues tend to come from not eating the right thing at the right time, so I knew I had to redress the whole situation. So I decided I needed to eat more!!!! I know it sounds mad, loose weight, eat more?? I didn’t have the time to mess around with finicky diet programmes and by the time I finished work most of the support groups were closed. So I looked at the supplements that are around. Now they are not all for body builders although, they certainly help these athletes achieve their goals, but I wanted a better body, but on a smaller scale.

Most supplements work in a similar way and as they are designed by experts, I certainly didn’t need to measure or weigh ingredients, just put it in a beaker and mix it with water… this was a challenge even I had time for. I looked at fat burning supplements and had a bit of an experiment, I read the reviews and took my chances. One of the main things I leant that Whey is the king to burn fat and if you are exercising at the same time it keeps burning fat why you sleep. It was brilliant, I lost 4 stones in 3 months and by keeping up the training I became to love the feeling of buying clothes of the shelf.

So this Christmas, I will indulge, but only after I’ve earnt it.

Friday 27 November 2009

How to get rid of “man boobs” without surgery?

There are surgical procedures that can correct gynecomastia OR “man boobs” to you and I. However, if you do not wish to go under the knife of a surgeon, you can take simple steps to reduce men’s breast or even cure it completely.

Take a natural health supplement – Supplements which can help boost your body's natural production of male hormones (testosterone). Avoid all forms of steroids or artificial testosterones unless prescribed by your medical doctor.

Chest muscle exercises – One of the best ways to get rid of your man boobs in a natural way is of course the hard way, with hard work and exercise. You need to work and target your “pecs”. However it won’t take long before you start to see the results and think of the appeal you’ll have to the opposite sex.

Weight loss – Unfortunately if you are carrying too much weight, you are more likely to develop the dreaded “man boobs”. So look at your diet and combined with exercise encompassing training your chest with weights will increase testosterone and suppress estrogen which is the female hormone. You don’t have to become a monk, but cut out fatty & junk foods, but also ditch alcohol and marijuana, they are bad for your health and help produce more estrogen, which lets face it is the last thing you want.

Take Action now - dont let them ruin your life

Friday 20 November 2009

Mens Health Fitness to Weight Loss

6 Things you need to know to loose weight

If you are looking to loose weight, the question springs to mind of most people is: When do we eat?

Let the Lunch Bell Ring
When you diet, most plans you follow tell you to reduce the food you take on and this will in effect help you to loose weight ---- WRONG

1. Eat 6-8 Meals a day
Starvation will not help you loose weight?

So often when people start to diet, we have over the years been almost brain washed into almost starvation, which does noting but make you hungry to eat more food.

Particularly for mens health, fitness you need to eat rich food sources which are full in protein, but also include some carbohydrates, but the meals need to be smaller and well balanced in order to give you all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. This mixed with the right exercise will help you loose fat and increase lean muscle.

2. Drink Smoothies/Shakes
One of the best ways to loose weight is to replace unhealthy snacks, with a healthy smoothie or shake, these can include all manner of fruits, berries and whey powder mixes, which not only fill that empty gap in your stomach, but leave you feeling, fulfilled and energised, helping to make a healthy man.

3. What to Drink
If you are serious about weight loss, then you have to be serious about what you put into it. While you are targeting weight loss, try and steer clear of alcohol; all it will do is slow down you reaching your goal.

Okay, you guessed it, water is going to be your life blood, try to drink 8 glasses a day, it has a lot of benefits.

It helps keep you full, sometimes people mix hunger with thirst. It also flushes your system, helping to rid your body of waste fat, but helping all the good nutrients get to the parts that need it.  Also try and stick to low fat milk try as many different herbal teas as possible. Although the take some getting used to if you like tea or coffee, there are some great ones out there. And if you get desperate limit yourself two no more than two diet drinks per day.
4. Exercise
I have found that is important to mix a routine of both cardiovascular and weights. So that while you are burning fat with cardio, you are also doing the same with weights and are continuing to burn fat while using weights. The important thing is that if you want to achieve your goals, then you have to push your body and wake it up, otherwise it will never change or the change will be so slow that you’ll loose heart and give up. I would suggest that you do three days of cardio and three days of weights, but do it on alternate days to rest your body. If your body still hurts from previous sessions, then you have probably pushed it too hard, take a little time to build up slowly. The trick is finding that fine line will help you overcome most mens health issues, in particular if you wish to become a healthy man.

Always try to have a healthy shake an hour before training and almost immediately after, this will give your body what it
needs and help it continue to burn fat.

Diversify your food at every meal to get a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.

Always make sure you include some protein into each snack.

5. Stop Counting Calories
Calorie counting will not help you loose weight. You will know if you have cheated and yes I know its cliché but you most definitely are cheating yourself.
6.  One Day a Week, have a day off
To coin a phrase, “And on the seventh day God rested”. So you should to. Let’s face it if you are training hard, while working in a full time job and if you have kids, you will probably be a little exhausted. In my experience, usually a Sunday, I did no or little exercise and I ate what I wanted – although the strange thing is when you been working so hard all week, you still feel a little guilty about indulging. All I would say is indulge, but don’t try to undo all the good you have done.

For More Great Weight Loss Tips - check out this site

Tuesday 3 November 2009

What is the nutritional value of........Well find out now

Do you ever get fed up with trying to find out the nutritional value of what you want to eat to make sure its healthy or just check the calorie and fat content.

Well now you can check out just about anything at the click of a mouse.

A run in the rain

Well, after having an operation on my leg some weeks ago, I had put off running, as I thought I would be disappointed how much my fitness levels had dropped,  but I discovered one thing I hadn't realised, which is just how good walking is for you. When I first had my op, I had to walk 20 minutes a day, 5 times a day, 7 days a week.

I was really concerned that my fitness levels would have dropped to an all time low (I have run for years). I didn't think that walking would give me to cardio work out my body had been used to.

How wrong I was!!

Sometimes it's hard to get out there, but then I do have a very good incentive, in my gorgeous (if I do say so myself) Chocolate Labradour (Bonnie), who seems to know depending on how I am dressed what I am doing, so after my op, if I had 5 walks a day, then so did she. So you can imagine the joy on her face this morning when I came down in my running kit, she was backwards and forwards, while I was getting organised.

So out we went in the rain. One thing I was pleased with, was that my cardio was pretty OK, which goes to show how good walking is; ok I was a bit slower than usual, but I wanted to pace myself, I even managed a few sprints on the way round, which left me with a big smile on my face and so full of energy that when I got back I did some weight training just for good measure.

This is what life is all about.

Monday 2 November 2009

How to avoid fatty foods!!

Well over the weekend it was my father in-laws 80th birthday and the family got together to celebrate, with my sister in-law volunteering to cook the food for everyone. Yep, you can guess what food was there, filled rolls, with what seemed like an inch thick with butter, a home made quiche which had so many ingredients in it, you couldn't even recognise what it was, pork pies, scotch eggs, everything was full to the brim in fat, fat, fat.

Luckily I knew she was cooking and as much as I will indulge a little on occasion, I know when my sister in-law cooks it is always full fat everything and more salt than there is on the salt plains. So for me it was easy, I made sure I had a bigger than usual but healthy breakfast of scrambled eggs, with turkey bacon grilled and cut up in it and knowing how my sister in-law loves her full fat dips, was able to have a munch on carrots, celery & cucumber sticks, without eating all that greasy and full of fat food.

We all had a great time and an enjoyable afternoon.

Thursday 29 October 2009

How I finally lost weight, getting rid of fat!

I suppose since my mid 20’s I have had a constant fight with my weight, which always seemed to be increasing. I was sick of not being able to wear stylish clothes; I lost all of my self confidence and always wondered if someone was talking and looking in my direction if they were talking about me.

I always used to say to people “I just don’t understand it, I hardly eat anything, I go to the gym, I run” but noting seemed to work for me. I was an averagely fit fat bloke. While on holiday in Florida 4 years ago, on seeing photographs of myself playing by the pool with my daughter, what I saw made me disgusted and I wondered in the long term what impact this was having on my health and if I carried on getting heavier, would I see my daughter even grow up.

I made up my mind at that point that I was going to do something about it was time to get rid of fat, loose weight and get fit. The first thing was to go back to the gym and try to do as much cardiovascular as possible for 40 minutes to an hour – hell I was going to burn off all this fat.

Guess what it just didn’t seem to be working; the problem was I was to embarrassed to ask and the gym staff although pleasant enough, seemed more interested in the pretty girls or reading a newspaper

I then thought well it has to be my diet, so I looked at what I ate (kind of) and that seemed ok, the only problem was my wife and daughter were snacking around me and although I could be strong at times, I could of course much more easily be week and eat the wrong foods. But in my mind I couldn’t understand why I just couldn’t loose weight.

Over the next coming weeks I am going to tell you what I did to loose weight, which even included a leg operation which really ended up helping shift the pounds without breaking a sweat. Find out how in 4 years I lost 6 stones in weight, over 6 inches around my waist and toned up and rediscovered myself and of course my Mojo.

Get Fit, loose weight & have great health

If you are looking to change the old you and become the person you want to be. Watch out for exciting news, views and reviews and love the body your in. Loads of info and stuff to help you.

Please feel free to comment or indeed ask any questions will I will try to answer honestly.