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Monday 14 December 2009

Christmas is coming and WHO is getting fat!!
Why is it at Christmas time we feel the need for gluttony more than any other time in the year. There is Easter or Thanks Giving, but we seem to indulge more over the Yule Tide festival…Why?

Lets face it most people have two days over this period when they turn into a couch potato, which when you look at the busy lives we all lead these days, that in itself is no problem, but if we’re honest with ourselves, all you do is eat rubbish and end up feeling lethargic.

So how can we enjoy what we eat or drink, but not end up like a stuffed turkey or hog ourselves.

I have adopted an attitude where if I want to eat something that I know in my heart of hearts is bad; then I have to earn that right. That means on a Sunday when I indulge in a bacon sandwich, I either have to go to the gym first or out for a run.

The crazy thing is I spent the last 15 years on a diet or so I thought, eating cheats when I felt I deserved them and saying I was to exhausted from the day at work or running my kid to her clubs to make the time for myself to exercise and got bigger & bigger.

Then I had idea…I was fed up looking like a slob and I needed to do something about my ever increasing waistline. The first thing I did was look at my diet and wrote down everything I ate over 14 days, yes including weekends, you know when we treat ourselves. I read articles on Mens Health & Fitness, I wanted weight loss, but so many articles are on ladies health and I believe there is a big difference, so I looked at weight loss for men. I knew I needed to loose weight, but I was starving myself and causing my body to shut down and store fat as my body didn’t know when it was going to get food next.

Most mens health issues tend to come from not eating the right thing at the right time, so I knew I had to redress the whole situation. So I decided I needed to eat more!!!! I know it sounds mad, loose weight, eat more?? I didn’t have the time to mess around with finicky diet programmes and by the time I finished work most of the support groups were closed. So I looked at the supplements that are around. Now they are not all for body builders although, they certainly help these athletes achieve their goals, but I wanted a better body, but on a smaller scale.

Most supplements work in a similar way and as they are designed by experts, I certainly didn’t need to measure or weigh ingredients, just put it in a beaker and mix it with water… this was a challenge even I had time for. I looked at fat burning supplements and had a bit of an experiment, I read the reviews and took my chances. One of the main things I leant that Whey is the king to burn fat and if you are exercising at the same time it keeps burning fat why you sleep. It was brilliant, I lost 4 stones in 3 months and by keeping up the training I became to love the feeling of buying clothes of the shelf.

So this Christmas, I will indulge, but only after I’ve earnt it.

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